似ている英単語 形容詞・副詞使い分けBOOK 目次
第1章 形容詞 初級・中級編
〓〓 大きい
large / big / huge / enormous / vast / gigantic / immense
〓〓 小さい
small / little / minute / tiny / fine
〓〓 美しい
beautiful / pretty / handsome / good‐looking / cute / gorgeous / comely
〓〓 高い
tall / high / elevated / towering / lofty
〓〓 一人の、寂しい
alone / lone / lonely / lonesome / solitary / forlorn
〓〓 親切な、礼儀正しい
kind / nice / polite / courteous / civil
〓〓 頭がいい、賢い
wise / clever / smart / sharp / bright / brilliant / intelligent / intellectual
〓〓 ばかな
foolish / stupid / silly / absurd / ridiculous
〓〓 面白い
interesting / funny / amusing / exciting / thrilling / entertaining
〓〓 つまらない、退屈な
monotonous / boring / dull / tedious / tiresome / uninteresting
〓〓 遠い
distant / remote / faraway / inaccessible
〓〓 太った
fat / overweight / obese / stout / plump / chubby
〓〓 やせた
thin / lean / slim / slender / skinny / scrawny
〓〓 美味しい
good / nice / tasty / delicious / edible / eatable / palatable
〓〓 空の
empty / vacant / unoccupied / blank / void / hollow
〓〓 静かな、穏やかな
silent / quiet / still / calm / tranquil / serene
〓〓 勇敢な、大胆な
brave / courageous / bold / undaunted / daring / gallant / valiant
〓〓 臆病な
cowardly / chicken‐hearted / timid / shy / bashful / diffident / fainthearted / coy
〓〓 狭い、広い
narrow / small / wide / broad / large / big
〓〓 恥ずかしい
ashamed / embarrassed / humiliated / shameful
〓〓 変な
strange / odd / queer / peculiar / eccentric / curious / quaint / unusual
〓〓 安い、高い
cheap / inexpensive / low‐priced / expensive / costly
〓〓 湿った
wet / damp / humid / clammy / dank / moist
〓〓 満足した
contented / satisfied / content / gratified / pleased / satiated
〓〓 元気な、健康的な
healthy / well / healthful / fine / wholesome / sound / fit
〓〓 悪い
bad / evil / wicked / ill / wrong
〓〓 厳しい、優しい
strict / severe / gentle / generous / lenient / soft / indulgent
〓〓 手作りの、人工的な
homemade / handmade / artificial / man‐made
〓〓 かたい
hard / solid / stiff / firm / tough / rigid
〓〓 濃い
dense / thick / strong / deep / dark
〓〓 薄い
thin / weak / light / pale / watery
〓〓 正確な、正しい
correct / right / accurate / exact / precise
〓〓 うれしい、喜んで
happy / glad / delighted / willing / ready
〓〓 できる、有能な
able / capable / competent / efficient
〓〓 率直な
frank / open / candid / blunt / outspoken / straightforward / plain
〓〓 貴重な
valuable / precious / priceless / invaluable
〓〓 伝染性の、うつりやすい
communicable / contagious / infectious / catching
〓〓 難しい、骨の折れる、厄介な
hard / difficult / laborious / arduous / troublesome / trying
〓〓 寒い、冷たい
cold / cool / frigid / frosty / chilly
〓〓 裸の
bare / naked / nude / stripped / bald
〓〓 楽な、居心地のいい
comfortable / easy / relaxed / cozy(cosy)/ snug
〓〓 本物の、本当の
genuine / authentic / real / true
〓〓 今の、現在の
present / current / existing / today's
第2章 副詞
〓〓 もう、まだ
already / yet / still
〓〓 時々、しばしば、たびたび
sometimes / occasionally / often / frequently / again and again / time and time again
〓〓 最近
recently / lately / not long ago / nowadays / these days / the other day
〓〓 長い間
(for)a long time / long / for long
〓〓 初めて、最初は、最初に
first / first of all / for the first time / at first / in the first place / above all
〓〓 あとで
later / in / after / afterwards
〓〓 今後、将来
in future / in the future / from now on / from now
〓〓 今のところ
right now / at the moment / at present / presently / for the moment / for the time being
〓〓 ついに
at last / finally / in the end / after all / in the long run
〓〓 速く、早く
fast / early / quickly / rapidly / swiftly
〓〓 絶えず
persistently / continuously / continually / incessantly / constantly
〓〓 すぐに、間もなく
soon / presently / shortly / immediately / instantly / at once / right away /right now
〓〓 ほとんど、約
almost / nearly / about / around / approximately
〓〓 やや、かなり
rather / fairly / pretty / quite
〓〓 完全に、すっかり、まったく
completely / absolutely / totally / entirely / utterly
〓〓 たぶん
perhaps / maybe / possibly / probably
〓〓 実際
really / actually / as a matter of fact / in fact
〓〓 非常に、とても、ずっと
much / very much / a lot / far / even
〓〓 確かに
sure / certainly / positively / definitely
〓〓 その上
also / besides / moreover / furthermore / what is more
第3章 形容詞 上級編
〓〓 並の
mediocre / ordinary / commonplace / fair / so‐so / second‐rate
〓〓 うるさい
loud / noisy / boisterous / clamorous / vociferous
〓〓 十分な
enough / sufficient / adequate / ample
〓〓 適切な、適当な
fit / suitable / proper / appropriate / right
〓〓 重大な
serious / grave / vital / crucial
〓〓 強制的な
compulsory / mandatory / obligatory / imperative / binding
〓〓 死んだ、死んでいる
dead / deceased / departed / extinct / lifeless
〓〓 生きている
living / alive / live / animated
〓〓 勤勉な、怠惰な
hardworking / diligent / industrious / assiduous / lazy / idle
〓〓 有名な
famous / well‐known / renowned / celebrated / distinguished / noted / notorious
〓〓 複雑な
complex / complicated / intricate / involved / knotty
〓〓 暑い
hot / scorching / sultry / muggy / sweltering / torrid
〓〓 年老いた
old / aged / elderly / senile
〓〓 時代遅れの
old‐fashioned / out‐of‐date / antiquated / archaic / obsolete
〓〓 きちんとした
orderly / tidy / neat / trim / natty
〓〓 恐れる
afraid / frightened / scared / aghast
〓〓 もろい、弱い、こわれやすい
fragile / frail / brittle / infirm / feeble
〓〓 汚い
dirty / messy / filthy / grimy / soiled / spotted / foul
〓〓 疲れた
tired / exhausted / fatigued / weary / worn‐out
〓〓 悲しい
dead / depressed / sorrowful / dejected / blue
〓〓 おとなしい
quiet / mild / obedient / tame / docile
〓〓 怒った、腹を立てる
annoyed / irritated / angry / mad / furious / exasperated
〓〓 変わりやすい
changeable / fickle / capricious / whimsical / fluctuating
〓〓 心からの
sincere / heartfelt / hearty / wholehearted
〓〓 主な
chief / main / leading / principal / primary
〓〓 あいまいな
obscure / vague / ambiguous / equivocal
〓〓 高慢な
proud / arrogant / haughty / insolent / overbearing / conceited
〓〓 外国の
foreign / alien / external
〓〓 熱心な
eager / anxious / intent / keen / enthusiastic / avid / impatient
〓〓 頑固な
stubborn / obstinate / pigheaded / adamant / dogged
〓〓 簡単な、単純な
simple / easy / facile / simplistic / effortless
〓〓 裕福な、金持ちの
wealthy / rich / well‐off / well‐to‐do / affluent / loaded
〓〓 明らかな
clear / plain / apparent / evident / obvious
〓〓 目立った
outstanding / distinguished / prominent / conspicuous / remarkable
〓〓 致命的な
fatal / deadly / mortal / lethal
〓〓 強い
strong / stout / sturdy / tough / robust
〓〓 公平な
just / fair / disinterested / impartial / unbiased / unprejudiced
〓〓 疑う
doubtful / dubious / suspicious